Class Action & Mass Torts
The attorneys at Pendley, Baudin & Coffin focus a large part of our practice on representing clients in complex class action and mass tort cases across the nation. Through these cases, our attorneys have secured hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements and judgments for our clients. PBC's attorneys have been named as Class Counsel in a wide range of complex cases throughout courts in the United States, and have been named to the Plaintiffs' Steering Committee in several national Multidistrict Litigation cases. Our attorneys possess the knowledge and experience to navigate through the issues presented in complex litigation, and have successfully litigated against some of the largest defense firms and multi-national corporations in the world.

Our firm has represented clients in class action and mass tort cases involving:
- Defective Pharmaceutical Drugs
- Mislabeled Pharmaceutical Drugs
- Off-Label Use of Pharmaceutical Drugs
- Insurance Bad Faith
- Health Provider Balance Billing
- "Actual Charges" Calculations on Insurance Policies
- "Reasonable and Customary Charges" on Insurance Policies
- Breach of Contract
- Toxic/Chemical Exposure
- Oil Spills
- Overpaid Taxes
- Unearned Fees in Mortgage Transactions
- Unpaid Overtime
- Miscalculation of Disability Insurance Benefits
- Insurance Coverage and Denial of Claims
- Defective Roofing Products
- Defective Plumbing Fixtures
- Unearned Fees in License Transactions
- Environmental Contamination