

Lipitor Linked to Increase Risk of Diabetes In Women

Pendley, Baudin and Coffin, L.L.P. has been the first law firm to file a Lipitor suit in Louisiana; the firm has also filed a suit in South Carolina.

Lipitor, a cholesterol lowering statin medication, and its generic version atorvastatin have been linked to an increased risk for diabetes in women. Studies found that women aged of 50 to 79, who were taking Lipitor or the generic atorvastatin, were at a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Lipitor is produced and sold by Pfizer a pharmaceutical company.

A medication label change and health advisory by the FDA in 2012, required Pfizer to update Lipitor's label to include the increased risk of causing type 2 diabetes. Read the FDA News Release in which this is referenced. Manufacturers of other statins were required to comply with the label change also.

Some of the medical studies investigating the link between statins and type 2 diabetes are:

A new study by doctors in Canada has recently come out that also links Lipitor to an increased risk for diabetes.  Click here for the study.

If you are a woman who developed diabetes while using Lipitor or atorvastatin or if your loved one developed diabetes while using these drugs contact the attorneys of Pendley, Baudin and Coffin, L.L.P. by using our form below. Our experienced pharmaceutical attorneys will confidentially evaluate your claim for a Lipitor lawsuit.